Cinnamaroll Sleepy Cloud

Gold Collection: Complete!

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

It's over... It's finally over...

Now to head over to Silver version! Yay! Haha! ((cries))

Fortunately, there's just the exclusives & the starter to breed. Most of my time is going to be done soft resetting those darn legendaries. Really not looking forward to the Legendary Beasts... How many dupes will I get before I get all 3? Yikes...

Shiny Ditto dancing

Anyway, something a bit more exciting to talk about. My lovely friend Sleepy Ghost & their boyfriend accidentally got some spare tickets for a band called Ghost who did their first Australian tour. (Their handle and the band having the same name is pure coincidence as far as I'm aware, lmao.) So I travelled down with my partner to Brisbane and got to see them! I am a scrubby casual enjoyer of their music, but my friend is quite into them. I got to hear my favourite song, Little Sunshine, played live. A good time all around, yahoo!

They had fire going off at one point and it turned the whole centre into a furnace. We were up in the seats, so to the poor sods up front in the pit, I hope your eyebrows survived.

Someone has conveniently made a whole playlist of the performance, so please check it out! They didn't include the opening band which is unfortunate. They were called Southeast Desert Metal and they were absolutely BANGING. Please check them out if you'd like some Aussie metal on your playlist! :)

Of course, a Brisbane trip means shopping as well! We didn't end up getting much compared to our previous trips, but I did score myself a copy of Siren 2! I really recommend either eurothug4000's or Boulder Punch's video essays on the games if you've never heard of them before! I cannot wait to give this game a try. One day. Eventually. (My backlog is insane... ahaa...)

I got these cute little gacha box figures. They're from a series called MISYA and EMMA, respectively.

Misya & Emma

Very, very cute! A nice add to the collection! <3 (I am so sorry about the dust on my desk, please forgive me...)

And then I got this goddamn 3D puzzle of a clam. Fucking Christ. At first I did it randomly and I got maybe ~15 out of 47 pieces before I could not for the life of me figure out what piece I needed next. Then I noticed there was instructions! It gives you which order you should be using the pieces! Oh, but the nonsense didn't stop there. I spent most of time trying to figure out which stupid piece was which. Some of pieces looked the same, and I'd have constantly rotate the pieces to try and figure out which one it was. Which, yeah, okay, sure, is part of the puzzle experience. Except when I've looked at a puzzle piece for over 10 minutes and for all my sanity cannot figure out which one it is. So I put it back into the pile and try to find the next one. But I cannot. The cycle continues.

Clam WIP Clam Complete

I'm whinging, but I do love a good puzzle lol. Took me a few days (since I had to redo once I found the instructions), but I did get it in the end. When I message my partner the results they told me that they thought the puzzle was only 4 pieces. So, the entire time, she was just sitting there thinking, "Man, he must really suck at puzzles." I'm still speechless to this, oh my lord...

Other than that, my niece celebrated her first birthday last weekend. She had tonnes of fun and got absolutely covered in cake! She also nearly smashed her head on a brick falling off her new baby tricycle, but it's ok! (I would share pictures, but I'm very much against posting pictures of children online for... obvious reasons. Eugh...)

And then soon I'll be off to cousin's wedding. Have to drive down the coast again, but :)! Whatever.

Until next time!

- Story