Cinnamaroll Sleepy Cloud

Wowee! Blog Posting!

Friday, 21 July 2023

Hello, my friends. :)

I have updated my Gold Shiny Collection page today. So, not only is it up to date, but I am also now hunting the Legendary Birds!

Articuno was already a quick hunt... I don't have much patience or time for full odd hunts, especially not ones you have to actively check after every catch. I am a busy person, after all...

For anyone new to the first two Gens of Pokemon: in these games a Pokemon is determined to be shiny based on their DVs (DVs being the predecessor to IVs). This means after I catch a Legendary Bird I have to check their stats to see if they are shiny. Since shiny Pokemon were only introduced in Gen II, you can't see it visually with the sprite. The only Gen I that can be shiny are static, NPC trade and gift Pokemon, Pokemon bought at the Game Corner in Celadon City, fishing encounters, and wild Ditto due to the shiny Gyarados glitch.

The glitch is that you trade the free shiny Gyarados you get from the Lake of Rage in the Gen II games, then you trade it back to the Gen I games (which again, for the newbies, is something you can do in only in these two Gens prior to a very recent Pokemon Home update). Once traded back, you encounter a Ditto, show it the Gyarados, it transforms into the Gyarados and thus copies its DVs. So you catch it, its DVs remain as shiny DVs and when you trade it back to Gen II, it's a shiny Ditto! Magical! This also paves the way for all the lovely shiny breeding you can do as well, since with a shiny Ditto you can drop the rates to 1/64. You can get other low rates with just the shiny Gyarados but then everything becomes a bit more complicated with the rates as gender is also determined via DVs.

But shiny Ditto never changes.
Shiny Ditto dancing
Shiny Ditto is eternal.

Oh! I also finished Grey's Anatomy! All 19 season over the last couple of months. My brain is fried. My brain is broken. It ends on like 3 separate cliffhangers, one of which comes out of nowhere! And now, with the strikes going on in Hollywood right now, who knows when we'll see the next season. Maybe if those greedy execs grow some human decency we won't have to wait too long. :3

A last note. This one is obvious. Blogging functionality! I have added it! Yay! Next step would be to get a guestbook, a comment section, or something of the like. But again. I am a busy, busy person... I work a 24/7 shift job, so my days off are usually just me being tired and sleeping before going back to work. Unfortunate.

I will see if I can add the previous updates I made to the home page here and what not.

Until next time, my lovelies.

- Story